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Thursday, December 1, 2011

Thankful Thursday

Thankful Thursday:
Things That Make Me Laugh Edition

Laughter can make any day better. No matter how bad it is - although the below are not nearly all things that make me laugh, they are some of the ones that make me laugh hardest and for that I am thankful..

Chelsea Handler... is hysterical. I get it, not everyone enjoys her humor, but she is so dang funny if you can get past the crudeness of it all. An on-going battle at our house is if we are going to watch Chelsea Lately or the news. I typically lose, but I watch it plenty to get a whole lot of laughs. But even funnier than her TV show - her books.. I have read them all: My Horizontal Life, Chelsea Chelsea Bang Bang, Are you there Vodka, its Me Chelsea, aaaand the latest Lies that Chelsea has Told Me (which I blogged about here). So yes, she is hysterical and I clearly adore her.

Comedy Clubs - love 'em. They are such a fun night out and always so funny, even if you dont know the comedians. I have only been to one show that wasnt funny, and I have been to at least 75 shows, so I would say thats good odds that youre in for a good night.

How I Met Your Mother - also so funny.. I love Monday nights because of it. I even re-watch episodes and still think they are hilarious.

Oh! THIS guy... Zaky Poo... He probably makes me laugh the hardest. He has a dry, sarcastic personality that Often I cry from laughing. Just last week I cried at the texts he was sending me about his notes (yes,  plural - the below isnt the first or last) he leaves outside of his apartment door for rude neighbors...

((Someone had been taking his plant out of his pot in front of his door.))

"To Whom It May Concern: Were you not hugged as a child? Are my plants saying mean things to you? They seem to be quiet when I am around. Do you have a personal issue with me that you are taking out on my plants? Feel free to call me at ___________ and we can discuss. Sincerely: ZML"

I mean the FedEx guy called him to tell him how funny his note was and several people called to let him know it wasnt them. There have been times that I can hear him laughing from the next room over, and not even know what he is laughing at but I'll start and wont be able to stop. Its just contagious. Love this guy and love his crazy humor.

So this Thursday, I am thankful for laughs and giggles.. what are you thankful for?


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