After many weeks of no H54F-ing... I'm baaaaaack!
Linking up with Lauren to share my five favorite moments/things from Roma!
1. the food. What could be more obvious? This girl loves her some Italian food - pasta for breakfast, lunch and dinner? I could do it... easily.
Finding a shop to bring home pasta... heaven.
loved the cheese-less pizza as well... yummo.
I can say when I got home I was craving Mexican.. which makes the hubs very happy.
2. I loved seeing the Italian flag flying in the wind... it just made being there real...
3. The Sites
Trevi Fountain |
The Vatican |
Pantheon |
Pantheon |
Pantheon |
Coliseum |
Coliseum |
4. I fell in love with old doors throughout the city..
5. We did a bike tour around the city on Sunday. this was by far my favorite part of the trip.. seeing the sites and being told the history was cool, but just biking through the streets and soaking it all in was truly the best part.
Such a fun trip with lots of history, lots of food, lots of shopping and lots of vino... cant wait for my next trip!

This is probably the best H54F post ever!! So jealous!! The pictures are absolutely gorgeous!! Glad you had an amazing time :)