Linking up with Lauren at From My Grey Desk for High Five for Friday!
1. We had an amazing vacation ((details to come on Monday) & I loved spending lots of time with the hubby. I dont know about all of you married people out there, but when we are at home we tend to do a lot of our "own thing" rather than spending every waking moment together. It was fun to get that together time over 6 days - we did a whole lot!
2. I also got to spend time with one of my best childhood friends ((& meet his fabulous girlfriend!))
Not only did I get to see Matty, I got to see my fabulous family too!
3. Disneyland!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4. Another one of my childhood friends has moved to Dallas & her new job has some serious hook-ups! We went to the Cowboys game! Details to come next week!
5. Its Labor Day weekend... that means 2 free days off (friday & monday!) Looking forward to the last weekend of my vacation and having a good time - even though we dont have any set-in-stone plans. But oddly enough, I am looking forward to going back to work... i miss going. i never thought i would say that!
Have an amazing weekend yall!