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Thursday, September 15, 2011

Thankful Thursday

Thankful Thursday:
9/11 Edition

As we all know this past Sunday marked the 10th anniversary of September 11th. I have been so intrigued by all of the shows, documentaries, etc. I DVR'd George Bush's interview and cannot wait to watch it this week ((clearly I am pre-blogging this week!)) Even Sunday football commentators had stories that gave me chills. 

Everyone was reminiscing about where they were when they found out about the twin towers. It was amazing to see everyone remember, like it was yesterday. Me? I was in first period, dance class. I'll never forget looking in the sky and no planes were in sight. I used to live a rocks throw away from the airport, so this was extremely strange.

But this got me to thinking more, about our friends and families, and how devastating it would be if anything were to happen to any of them. Thankfully, we dont have relatives in NY and no one was traveling. It sure makes you think about how every day is precious and to not take anything for granted.

In the spirit of togetherness, we were able to get a good size group over to our house to watch the Cowboys season opener.. although the game was a fail, our get-together was a success. Surrounding ourselves with some amazing people was a great way to spend the day.

I've already bragged about our FAMILY in a Thankful Thursday post, so I wont re-iterate how blessed we are to have them all in our lives.. the only one missing on Sunday was Zaky.. but hopefully we'll catch up with him soon..

We were also blessed with the presence of sweet baby Landon - it's so amazing to have a baby around.. so sweet and chunky.. he's growing so quickly! You could really tell his personality is starting to come out.. so cute!

I have an amazing group of friends... this isnt all of them, but these are definitely some of my favorites ::Jordan, Whitney, Allison, Jenna, Jacqueline and myself:: I love getting together with the girls. They fill my life with lots of laughter and many good times. (more on these girls to come on another TT post)

There were boys as well... but they arent too quick to react to "let's take a picture!" while football is on.

And this guy... I would be quite lost without him. ((some nights may be more peaceful without him, but I CERTAINLY wouldnt be trading him for anything))

We live an extremely blessed life, and I am so thankful for all of the men and women who serve our country, protecting us daily and ensuring our freedom.

Proud to be an American! God bless.


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